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Dr. Matt McCandless

Associate Vice President, Water and Managing Director, International Institute for Sustainable Development

Executive Director, IISD-Experimental Lakes Area

Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Matthew McCandless has been the executive director of IISD Experimental Lakes Area Inc. (IISD-ELA) since its founding in April 2014. Prior to the transfer of the Experimental Lakes Area, Matt managed the negotiations and transition arrangements leading to the agreements that saw the Experimental Lakes Area become a part of the IISD. His primary responsibilities are with the administration and operation of the world’s only whole-ecosystem freshwater research facility. This involves oversight of research and field station operations, administration, human resources, and fundraising.


Matt’s research interests are primarily in the areas of hydrology, water quality and bioprocessing–often combining both policy and technical research. Since joining IISD in 2006, Matt has been involved in dozens of projects on water, agriculture and bioindustrial development in Canada, Africa (East, West, and Central), Asia (India and Bangladesh) and Latin America.


Prior to joining IISD, Matt worked in the private sector as a biosystems engineer on projects related to hydrology, bioenergy, water management in Canada and India. He has a Ph.D. in biosystems engineering from the University of Manitoba, a Master of Natural Resources Management from the University of Manitoba and and a Bachelor of Biological Engineering from Dalhousie University. Matt is a registered professional engineer.

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