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Lake Turkana Advisory Group
The Lake Turkana Advisory Group (LTuAG) was established in November of 2019.
LTuAG Mission:
To enhance communication and collaboration of entities across borders and sectors that work to research and solve issues that impact the health of the lake and surrounding communities
Goals, priorities and issues that need addressing:
Standardization of research protocols on the lake (sample the same on both countries) in order to make the results comparable for the concerning lake.
To identify lacking information and knowledge gaps in the scientific research on Lake Kivu
Build technical capacity and acquire research equipment
Training of human resources
Promote research and education and support them through project proposals, fundraising, and other means
Lake Turkana Advisory Group Terms of Reference
Sharing data on a common platform for dissemination
Make recommendations for policy making
To ensure a new generation is trained properly and promote the inclusiveness (gender balance)
Enhancing research mobility and to share experience between other lakes (and advisory groups) and within LK.
To facilitate knowledge and transfer new technology to the riparian communities/
Research oriented towards the needs of the community
To evaluate and use the traditional knowledge

Members are formal expert positions on the LTuAG. To read the criteria and how to become a member of this advisory group, visit the terms of reference for this group. If you believe you meet the criteria, you can request to become a member here.
Dr. Mulugeta Wakjira, Coordinator, Research and Postgraduate Studies, Jimma University, Jimma, Ethiopia
Mr. Yeneneh Teka, Regional Environmental Specialist, US Embassy, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
Mr. James Last, Research Scientist, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Turkana Station, [city] Kenya
Mr. John Malala, Station Coordinator and Senior Research Scientist, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, [city], Kenya
Dr. Kevin Obiero, Center Director, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Sangoro, Kenya
Mr. Evans Lomodei, Acting Director of Technical and Vocational Education and Training Unit, Turkana University College, Lodwar, Kenya
Dr. Jeppe Kolding, Professor, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway
Dr. Natasha Gownaris, Assistant Professor, Environmental Studies Department, Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pa, USA
Resources, Publications, Products
Lake Turkana Research Priorities
LTuAG Meeting Reports and Minutes
Specific Research Needs on Lake Albert
Specific Research Needs on Lake Albert