< Our Work < Projects < BGSU-HABs < 2022 < Kenyan Application
An NSF funded program
Advanced Studies Institute on Water Quality and Harmful Algal blooms in lake victoria, Kenya
Kenyan Application Page

Criteria for Kenyan Participants:
You must be working or studying HABs (algal bloom issues or issues related to algal blooms/phytoplankton) OR have a strong background in freshwater sciences.
If you are a student, you must meet the following criteria to be a strong candidate for this program:
Enrolled in an accredited academic institution
Must be pursuing a Masters (2nd year or later) - or PhD-level degree;
Studying freshwater systems, specifically harmful algal blooms (HABS)
A successful candidate will:
Receive round-trip transportation from home institution/town to the program site in Kisumu, Kenya
Receive lodging, meals, and local transportation during the scheduled program
Have access and use of research equipment and/or consumables necessary for the program
A successful candidate will be expected to:
Engage and work with a U.S. counterpart, both in research in the field, and when creating final reports.
Be able to participate in at least three-weeks of field work, at least five days of which will be on a research vessel in Kenyan waters of Lake Victoria.
If you have questions about the criteria or whether this program is a good fit for you, please contact Dr. George Bullerjahn.
Applications for Field Season 2023 season are now closed