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Dr. Sloans Chimatiro

Managing Director
Tayali Analyitics

Lilongwe, Malawi

Dr. Chimatiro earned his PhD in Fisheries Science at Rhodes University in South Africa, focusing on river and floodplain fisheries. Over the past 30 years he has been instrumental in the fisheries and aquaculture policy development across Africa. Between 2006 and 2014 he was Head of Fisheries at NEPAD Agency (now AUDA-NEPAD) where among others, he led the process of developing the Policy Framework & Reform Strategy (PFRS) for Fisheries & Aquaculture (or the Common African Fisheries Policy); and in 2010 he organised the first Conference of African Ministers of Fisheries and Aquaculture (CAMFA).


He is the President of the Policy Research Network for Fisheries & Aquaculture in Africa (PRNFAA), a statuary organization of the African Union. PRNFAA is a network of experts that provides expertise to African countries to ensure they align their fisheries and aquaculture policies with the PFRS, as well as regional and global instruments. Between 2019 and 2020, he was the Executive Director of MwAPATA Institute, a local policy research Think Tank in Malawi. Before joining NEPAD Agency in 2006, he was the Director of Fisheries in Malawi. Currently, he is the Managing Director of Tayali Analytics, a private policy analysis consultancy.

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