Join this meeting of the best minds in the world working together for healthy African Great Lakes.
Collaboration is paramount. With our six advisory groups and other global experts, we activate collective knowledge, passion, and resources to solve the challenges that threaten the African Great Lakes.
At this meeting we will:
Learn from each African Great Lakes Advisory Group to advance solutions
Inform the future of AGL monitoring, education, and training
Break down gender barriers to tap into strong, inclusive solutions
Work across borders to inform game-changing freshwater decisions
The African Great Lakes Stakeholder Network is a highly collaborative group of freshwater and large lakes experts from around the world. At the heart of the network is over 120 African Great Lakes experts who are, together, addressing the most critical issues on these seven African Great Lakes which hold over 25% of the world's freshwater and support millions of people.
Guests, observers, and specialists are welcome to attend and participate.
The African Great Lakes Stakeholders Network, and this meeting, are facilitated by the
African Center for Aquatic Research and Education and developed, informed, and advised by the
partners and experts working on the African Great Lakes
2022 Annual Meeting
Registration can now only take place on-site with a registration fee of $150.
Questions regarding the meeting, registration, or other aspects, please contact: Alice Hamisi (click here)
Annual Meeting Agenda
Updated: February 12, 2023
Day 1
Sunday, February 12, 2023
Various times: participants arrive
1p-3p: ACARE Board Meeting (Board invite only)
3p-6:30p: Registration and Meeting Check-in (All)​​
4p-6p: Individual Advisory Group Meetings (Advisory Group members and Advisors only)
Advisory Group members meeting in person, reflecting, and preparing for the week​
6p-7p: African Women in Science (Re)union (AWIS and invite only)
Members of the 2021, 2022, and 2023 AWIS Program gather to meet and network
6p-8p: Networking and Social​ (all conference participants invited)
Day 2
Monday, February 13, 2023
7:30a-9:00a: Registration and Meeting Check-in
9:00a-10:30a: Plenary - Welcome Session with Guest Speakers (TBD)
10:30a-11:00a: Group photo // Health Break
Plenary - Individual Advisory Group Reports
Lake Edward-Albert Advisory Group
Lake Kivu Advisory Group
Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa Basin Fisheries and Aquaculture Network
Lake Tanganyika Science Advisory Group
Lake Turkana Advisory Group
Lake Victoria Advisory Group
​12:30p-1:00p: Plenary - Leveraging science to change the world
1:00p-2:00p: Lunch
2:00p-3:00p: Break-Out Sessions: Advisory Group Working Groups
All meeting participants are invited to join a specific interactive breakout session with one of the six Advisory Groups:
Lake Edward-Albert Advisory Group
Lake Kivu Advisory Group
Lake Malawi/Nyasa/Niassa Basin Fisheries and Aquaculture Network
Lake Tanganyika Science Advisory Group
Lake Turkana Advisory Group
Lake Victoria Advisory Group
3:00p-3:15p: Health Break
3:15p-4:15p: Plenary - Day 1 Closing Session
5:00p-8:00p: Evening Social and Networking Event
Day 3
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
9:00a-9:15a: Plenary - Opening Remarks
9:00a-9:30a: Plenary - ACARE Strategy Session
9:30a-10:30a: Plenary - Enhanced Leadership for African Women Scientists
Panel and discussion session on creating a regional, enabling environment for African women scientists
10:30a-11:00a: Health Break
11:00a-12:00p: Plenary - Overview of Strategic Topics
Achieving African Great Lakes Monitoring
Advancing African Great Lakes Education & Training
Advancing Data & Information Sharing
​12:00p-1:00p: Break-out Sessions - African Great Lakes Strategic Projects
Achieving African Great Lakes Monitoring
Advancing African Great Lakes Education & Training
Advancing Data & Information Sharing
1:00p-2:00p: Lunch
2:00p-3:00p: Plenary - Reports from Breakout Groups & Way Forward
3:00p-4:00p: Connecting-the-Dots between AGL Advisory Groups & Strategic Projects
4:00p-4:15p: Health Break
4:15p-5:15p: Plenary - Closing the Annual Meeting
Advisory Report 2023 Objectives
Highlight shared regional objectives
Develop action commitments for UN Water Conference in March, 2023
5:15p-5:30p: Plenary - Interactive Closing of the Annual Meeting​
5:30pm: End of Meeting



Conference Participants
This is a list of the participants of the Annual Meeting of the African Great Lakes Stakeholder Network, held in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, February 12-14, 2023. If you wish to contact any of the participants listed, please first contact Mr. Zeph Migeni, Advisory Groups Program Manager for ACARE. He will facilitate communications. If you are listed below, or should be, and need changes or corrections, please let Zeph know. ​
Lake Edward-Albert Advisory Group (LEAAG)
Mr. Herbert Nakiyende, NARO-NAFIRRI, Uganda
Prof. Mbalassa Mulongaibalu, University of Bukavu, DRC
Ms. Marie-Claire Dusabe, JLU Giessen, Rwanda
Ms. Joyce Nyeko, LEA-FAO, Uganda
Mr. Oscar Wembo, UoR & UNY KIS, DR Congo
Ms. Dorothy Birungi, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Uganda
Ms. Eunice Ntambue, University of Kisangani, DRC
Dr. William Okello, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Uganda
Mr Richard Rugadya, MAAIF, Uganda
Lake Kivu Advisory Group (LKAG)
Mr. Arthur Bisimwa, CRSN LWIRO, DRC
Dr. Charles Balagizi, OVG/Goma, DRC
Ir. Deogratias Nahayo, INES, Rwanda
Mr. Edouard Rugema, SPCK, Rwanda
Prof. Fabrice Muvundja, ISP/Bukauv, DRC
Mr. Beni Hyangya, ISP/Bukauv, DRC
Ms. Janviere Tuyisenge, (PhD Fellow), IHE Delft, Rwanda
Ms. Joyeuse Mudagi, DRC
Dr. Kisekelwa Tchalondawa, ISP, DRC
Prof. Pascal Masilya, ISP/Bukauv, DRC
Ms. Riziki Walumona, ISP/Bukauv, DRC
Lake Malawi/Niassa/Nyasa Basin Fisheries & Aquaculture Network (LMNNBFAN)
Dr. Maxon Ngochera, Dept. of Fisheries, Malawi
Dr. Asilatu Scheconge, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Mr. Athanasio Mbonde, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Dr. Benard Ngatunga, Lake Tanganyika Authority, Tanzania
Mr. Carlos Jonasse, InOM, Mozambique
Ms. Dorothy Banda, LUANAR, Malawi
Dr. Friday Njaya, Dept. of Fisheries, Malawi
Mr. Geoffrey Kanyerere, Dept. of Fisheries, Malawi
Ms. Edith Gondwe, LUANAR, Malawi
Mr. Joseph Chombo, Malawi
Dr. Peter Nestory, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Prof. Emmanuel Kaunda, LUANAR-AQUAFISH, Malawi
Lake Tanganyika-Science Advisory Group (LT-SAG)
Ms. Beatrice Marwa, Lake Tanganyika Authority, Burundi
Dr. Claver Sibomana, University of Burundi, Burundi
Prof. Cyprian Katongo, University of Zambia, Zambia
Prof. David Nahimana, University of Burundi, Burundi
Prof. Gaspard Ntakimazi, University of Burundi, Burundi
Dr. Harris Phiri, Dept. of Fisheries, Zambia
Dr. Ismael Kimirei, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Dr. Ir. Lambert Niyoytungiye, University of Burundi, Burundi
Dr. Lloyd Haambiya, FZS-NTCP, Zambia
Mr. Mabo Lwabanya, LTRU, Zambia
Mr. Mushaghalusa DEO, Center of Research in Hydrobiologie (Uvira), DR Congo
Dr. Ndayizeye Gaelle, CRSNE/UB, Burundi
Prof. Nshombo Muderhwa, DRC
Mr. Peter Limbu, The Nature Conservancy, Tanzania
Ms. Ritha Mlingi, RS – Kigoma, Tanzania
Simon Buhungu, University of Burundi, Burundi
Lake Turkana Advisory Group (LTuAG)
Prof. Abebe Getahun, Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia LTuAG
Dr. Erick Ogello Maseno University, Kenya
Mr. James Last, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya
Mr. John Malala, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya
Dr. Kevin Obiero, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya
Mr. Evans Lomodei, Turkana University , Kenya
Dr. Mulugeta Wakjira, Jimma University, Ethiopia
Dr. Elias Alemu, Ethiopia
Mr. Aylate Alemu, Ethiopia
Mr. Jacob Iteba, Busia Fisheries, Kenya
Mr. Yeneneh Teka, REO/US Embassy, Ethiopia
Prof. Jeppe Kolding, UIB, Norway - Advisor
​Ms. Emma Tebbs, KCL, UK - Advisor
Lake Victoria Advisory Group (LVAG)
Mr. Alfred Otieno, University of Eldoret, Kenya
Dr. Amon Shoko, Aquatic Biosecurity, Tanzania
Dr. Anthony Munyaho, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Uganda
Dr. Baraka Sekadende, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Ms. Cesillia Mataba, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Dr. Edward Rukuunya, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Uganda
Dr. Frank Masese, University of Eldoret, Kenya
Dr. Hillary Mrosso, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Dr. James Barasa, University of Eldoret, Kenya
Dr. John Walakira, NARO, ABI, Uganda
Dr. Robert Kayanda, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Uganda
Dr. Lily Kisaka, Kibabii University, Kenya
Dr. Mary Kishe, Tanzanian Fisheries Research Institute, Tanzania
Dr. Modesta Medard, Tanzania
Ms. Sharon Gubamwoyo, NWSC, Uganda
Dr. Shighalla Mahongo, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Uganda
Ms. Stella Mbabazi, MAAIF, Uganda
Mr. Tallent Dadi, Helmholtz-ufz, Germany
Dr. Winnie Nkalubo, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Uganda
Dr. Grite Nelson Mwaijengo, UN-AIST, Tanzania
African Women in Science
Ms. Gladys Chigamba, LUANAR, Malawi AWIS
Ms. Catherine Fridolin, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania
Ms. Mary Nantogo, Rubinzi DLG, Uganda
Ms. Margaret Sinda, LUANAR, Malawi
Ms. Diane Umutoni, Rwanda
Ms. Elizabeth Wambui Wanderi, Kenya Fisheries Service, Kenya
Ms. Eva Nambeye, University of Zambia, Zambia
Ms. Nelly Nakangu Furaha, University of Bukavu, DRC
Ms. Caroline Nampemba, Musika DI, Zambia
Ms. Kamakune Sandrine, Burundi University, DRC
Ms. Britukan Asmare, Bahir Dar University,
Ms. Asante Nkhata, PACT, Malawi
Ms. Julie Bwoga, Student at Rhodes University South Africa, Kenya
Ms. Elysée Nzigire Rutakaza, Center of Research in Hydrobiologie (UVIRA)/ Mohammed V university at Faculty of Science of Rabat (FSR), DRC
Ms. Kundananji Nawanzi, CEEC, Zambia
Ms. Maria Mpamulungi, MAAIF, Uganda
Ms. Lucyphine Kilanga, EMEDO, Tanzania
Ms. Ajok Paska, Ministry of Water and Dnvironment, Uganda
Ms. Naomie Kayitesi Manishimwe, University of Lausanie, Rwanda
Ms. Faith Atukwatse, Makerere University, Uganda
Ms. Yvonne Bigengimana, ARCOS, Rwanda
Ms. Memory Chimpesa, Dept of Fisheries, Malawi
Ms. Lorena Mateos, African Parks, Mozambique
Ms. Hilda Nyaboke Mogaka, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya
Ms. Neema Maheshe Gradi, DRC
Ms. Namakau Muyumbana, University of Zambia, Zambia
Ms. Noella Bugabanda Nabintu
Ms. Racheal Nabwire, National Fisheries Resources Research Institute, Uganda
Guests and Experts
Mr. Steven R Greb, University of Wisconsin, USA
Ms. Lauren Timlick, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Canada
Ms. Christine Haffner Sifakis
Mr. Menan Jangu, National Environmental Management Council, Tanzania
Mr. Didier Cadelli, ENABEL LATAWADA, Burundi
Mr. Jonathan MacKay, The Nature Conservancy, USA
Ms. Lisa Peters, International Institute for Sustainable Development-Experimental Lakes Area, Canada
Mr. Nadia Sbeih, US Dept State, USA
Dr. Anne Laudisoit, Eco Health Alliance, Belgium
Mr. Kevin B. Reid, Nature Anlytics, Canada
Dr. Daniel Jamu, PACT, Malawi
Dr. Dick Daffu Kachilonda, PACT, Malawi
Dr. Patrick Doran, The Nature Conservancy, USA
Prof. Heinz Schelwat, Sea & Sun Technology, Germany
Mr. Adolf Gerstl, GIZ, Uganda
Mr. Sergei Katsev, University of Minnesota-Large Lakes Observatory, USA
Ms. Marianna Balampama, Pact Inc, Tanzania
Ms. Lilian Nyaega, Wetlands INT'L, Kenya
Mr. Titus Wamae, Wetlands INT'L, Kenya
Ms. Sonya Havens, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Manitoba, Canada
Mr. Geofrey Rucho
Novatus Mushi
Mohammed Sheikh, MOLF-Dodoma, Tanzania
ACARE Board Members
(*denotes membership on an Advisory Group)
Prof. Ken Irvine IHE Delft, African Center for Aquatic Research and Education Board, Netherlands
*Prof. Emmanuel Kaunda, LUANAR-AQUAFISH, Malawi
*Dr. Robert Kayanda, Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization, Uganda
Dr. Matt McCandless, International Institute for Sustainable Development, Manitoba, Canada
*Ms. Namakau Muyumbana, University of Zambia, Zambia
*Ms. Joyce Nyeko, LEA-FAO, Uganda
*Dr. Kevin Obiero, Kenya Marine and Fisheries Research Institute, Kenya // Board Chair
Dr. Howard Stein, University of Michigan, Michigan, USA
ACARE Staff/Consultants
Mr. Ben Flavin, New York, USA
Ms. Alice Hamisi, Kenya, East Africa
Dr. Lulu Kaaya, Tanzania, East Africa
Mr. James Last, Kenya, East Africa
Dr. Ted Lawrence, Michigan, USA
Dr. Frank Masese, Kenya, East Africa
Mr. Zeph Migeni, Kenya, East Africa
Ms. Angela Nankabirwa, Uganda // NY
Dr. Pierre-Denis Plisnier, Belgium, Europe
Ms. Dimple Roy, Manitoba, Canada
Ms. Steph Smith, Illinois, USA
Travel Tips, Needs, and Information
For those who need a visa to enter Tanzania, go to:
Vaccine information and requirements can be found here:
https://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/tanzania ​
Organization committee and contacts
Meeting Contact, Questions, and Inquiries
Ted Lawrence: ted@agl-acare.org
ACARE Business Office: info@agl-acare.org